Education Information Sessions for Homeownership

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​​NSP Logo 250People interested in purchasing a home using financial assistance through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) can learn all about how the process works and about all the professionals ready to help by attending NSP education classes. 

The classes represent the first step toward homeownership through a city homebuying program.

All housing counseling agencies enrolled in the program schedule orientation classes at a variety of convenient times and locations. The classes, which vary slightly by agency, generally involve three components:

  • One-on-one credit assessment (about two hours)
  • Homebuyer education course (about eight hours)
  • Orientation overview of available NSP programs (about one hour)

To find out when and where classes are held and to register to attend, applicants can:

Upcoming Informational Sessions

No Information Sessions scheduled at this time.  

Call today to learn more at 602-262-6602, or by email at