Program Overview
As outlined in Phoenix City Code, a permit is required to affix banners to City property, including street light poles. The Street Banner Program was created to allow residents to apply for a permit for the installation of eligible banners to eligible street light poles.

Application & Program Guidelines
Why display banners?
Decorative element to the city streetscape
Promote neighborhood revitalization
Instill a sense of pride in the community
Promote special events in the area
Where can banners be installed?
Vertical banners can be installed on street light poles only
Banners may only be displayed on arterial and collector streets
Cannot be attached to wooden poles or utility poles
Banners cannot be energized with electricity
What is not permitted on street banners?
Political or religious themes
Obscene acts, gestures or words
Sale or use of alcohol or tobacco products
Words like stop, drive, danger, or phrases that could mislead traffic
How does the program work?
Fill out the application (there is no cost to apply for the program).
Applications are reviewed by staff and applicants are notified of approval status.
If approved, applicant works with vendor of their choice to install banners at approved locations.
Banners can be displayed for 90 days, and may be renewed after that.
All costs of mounting brackets, banners, installation and removal are at the expense of the applicant.
Installers must follow the current City of Phoenix Traffic Barricade Manual.
Contact the Banner Program email at