Grand Canalscape Multi-Use Trail

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​About the Grand Canalscape

The Grand Canalscape is a 12-mile continuous, multi-use recreational trail system along the Grand Canal in Phoenix – providing a unique opportunity for people to safely walk, run or bike along a dedicated off-street pathway.

The Grand Canalscape was completed in February 2020 and currently extends from Interstate 17 near Indian School Road east to the Tempe border near 56th Street north of Tempe Town Lake. Ultimately, plans call for the Grand Canalscape to extend west to the Glendale border.

The Grand Canalscape features a 10 to 12-foot-wide concrete pathway, dusk-to-dawn pedestrian lighting, seating and signalized crossings at major intersections.

There are several pedestrian/bicycle bridge crossings along the route to provide access to the Canalscape pathway from the opposite side of the canal.

The Grand Canalscape improves pedestrian and bicycle access to neighborhood schools, churches and businesses through 25 neighborhood connections and helps integrate the canal into the surrounding communities by incorporating public art and landscaping.  

The project was developed through a unique partnership between the city of Phoenix, Salt River Project (which operates the canal) and the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, through a TIGER grant. 

The Grand Canalscape project was recognized by the Arizona Association of General Contractors as a 2020 recipient of a BUILD Arizona award.
How to access the Grand Canalscape
What's along the Grand Canalscape?
History of the Grand Canalscape project


Adopt-A-Canal Program

Help keep the Grand Canalscape looking grand by volunteering with the city’s Adopt-A-Canal program. Volunteers assist with litter pick-up, restocking pet waste stations and reporting damage or graffiti along the pathway. ​

Sign up for our volunteer interest list to stay in the loop by emailing

Learn about Grand Canalscape Phase 3

Grand Canalscape Map​

Click the map for a larger version.


Fun Facts

  • Did you know the Phoenix metro area has 180 miles of canals?  That's more miles of canals than Venice and Amsterdam combined: Venice has about 26 miles and Amsterdam has about 60 miles.​
  • The nine canals that make up the Valley's canal system were developed over the past 100 years, beginning in 1883.​​



Aerial view of canal1353 Image Slider/Canaldrone3.jpgAerial view of canal
Grand Canalscape Bridge Crossing1354 Image Slider/Bridge4.JPGGrand Canalscape Bridge Crossing
Aerial view of canal1356 Image Slider/Canal drone1.jpgAerial view of canal
Dog Walker Along Canal1357 Image Slider/DogWalker.jpgDog Walker Along Canal
Joggers Along Canal1358 Image Slider/Joggers.jpgJoggers Along Canal
Art Bridge1359 Image Slider/Bridge3.JPGArt Bridge
Neighborhood Connection 3rd Avenue and Hazelwood1365 Image Slider/NeighborhoodConnection_3rd Ave and Hazelwood.jpgNeighborhood Connection 3rd Avenue and Hazelwood
Woman Pushing Stroller Along Canal1375 Image Slider/Stroller.jpgWoman Pushing Stroller Along Canal
Riding Bikes Along the Grand Canalscape1386 Image Slider/Photo_Grand_Canalscape_148.jpgRiding Bikes Along the Grand Canalscape
Bicyclists at Grand Canal1471 Image Slider/Bicyclists at Grand Canal.JPGBicyclists at Grand Canal