Types of Quarter Section (QS) Maps available

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​There are 4 types of paper Maps distributed by Central Records.

  1. Aerial
  2. Right of Way (Landbase) 
  3. Storm Drain 
  4. Topographic (10' Contour)

You can easily identify which quarter section you are interested in by looking on the QS-Index map and using major cross roads to locate your site area. 

EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2017, customers who desire a STORM DRAIN MAP must meet the criteria set out in the STORMWATER DATA SECURITY policy and complete the following steps.

  1. Submit a Public Record Request through the City of Phoenix Communication's Office Web Site; https://www.phoenix.gov/pio/public-records

  2. MUST be a partnering GOVERNMENT AGENCY or a UTILITY COMPANY (with a utility company ID badge – not a consultant working for the utility company) 

  3. Be working on a CITY OF PHOENIX project OR preparing a Request for Proposal (RFP) – we need the PROJECT # AND THE CITY PROJECT MANAGERS NAME so we can verify the information before we provide the requested maps.

  4. Completing a commercial development. The cost for a COMMERCIAL customer for each GIS Quarter Section Storm Drain Map is $40.

No exceptions to policy requirements will be made. Similar to facility plans, Storm Drain Maps are protected under Ordinance G-4396.

 Aerial Imagery

 Right of Way (LandBase)

 Storm Drain
