Durango Curve Neighborhoods

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Durango Curve logoMobility Study Goal

The goal of the T2050 Mobility Studies is to improve safety, connectivity, and accessibility for all people -- regardless of their age or ability level -- who walk, ride a bicycle, or use transit to get to their important destinations. 

Mobility Area Description

locator mapAlfred F. Garcia Elementary is the primary residential and community destination in the Area. Much of the Area is zoned commercial and light industrial, including almost all of the south half. The Maricopa County Jail and Superior Court complex lie just outside the southwest corner of the Area, with the Roosevelt Canal defining part of that boundary. The east boundary abuts Interstate 17, at its Durango Curve section. There are no parks, community services or health/ care facilities.


​Key Destinations 

  • Alfred F. Garcia Elementary School
  • Sherman Parkway
  • Holy Trinity Outreach
  • Roosevelt Canal

Update / Next Steps

A list of the proposed recommendations to improve pedestrian and bicycle mobility in the Durango Curve Neighborhoods were identified by the study team based on an analysis of the study area and public input. This list is included in the Proposed Conditions Report available below in the Study Documents section. 

 Project Photos


 Public Input

Thank you for your interest in making our city streets safer and more livable. Opportunities for public involvement will be posted on this webpage as they become available.

Project Manager Contact Information

Brian Fellows, Principal Planner


(602) 534-​2163


Updated April 2023

