Accessible Pedestrian Signal

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Location of Accessible Pedestrian Signals in P​hoenixAn Accessible Pedestrian Signal, APS, is a device that communicates information about pedestrian timing in a non-visual format such as accessible tones, verbal messages, and/or vibrating surfaces. Layout table containing links to sound samples of audible pedestrian signals Listen to a locator tone (mp3)​​Locator tone is Accessible​ except when walk indicator is active

Listen to a wait alert tone (mp3)

Wait alert tone will sound with any button push when 'Don't Walk' is on steady or flashing

Listen to a walk indicator (mp3)

Walk indicator will sound when the 'Walk' is light and there is enough time remaining to make a full crossing


Links to valuable community resources:

Arizona Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired

Foundation for Blind Children

Goodwill of Central Arizona

Arizona Bridge to Independent Living

Valley Metro


Blind Net

Sun Sounds of Arizona

National ​​Library Service (NLS)

Arizona Braille and Talking Book Library



​Use the table below to locate an accessible pedestrian signal in Phoenix. You can sort each column by clicking on its table header at the top of the table.

  • ​The content below has been optimized for people with visual impairment.

  • For questions on this information please contact our office at 602-262-6284 ​​



Baseline Road Pedestrian Signals/4Baseline Road7th StreetEast Leg of Crossing Button on the southeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 10 from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 8 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7 from the back of curb.
Beardsley Road Pedestrian Signals/5Beardsley RoadCave Creek RoadSouth Leg of CrossingNo details at this time.
Bell Road Pedestrian Signals/12Bell Road9th StreetWest Leg of CrossingMore Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 14 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 13 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road Pedestrian Signals/13Bell Road7th StreetNorth Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner is located approximately 8 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road Pedestrian Signals/10Bell Road7th StreetSouth Leg of CrossingTRAFFIC TURNING LEFT FROM NORTH BOUND 7th STREET TO WEST BOUND BELL ROAD HAS A LAGGING LEFT-TURN ARROW. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 6-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner to cross Bell Road is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 9 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road Pedestrian Signals/11Bell Road7th StreetWest Leg of CrossingTRAFFIC TURNING LEFT FROM NORTH BOUND 7th STREET TO WEST BOUND BELL ROAD HAS A LAGGING LEFT-TURN ARROW. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 6 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross Bell Road is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 7 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road Pedestrian Signals/7Bell Road16th StreetEast Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner is located approximately 17 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 12 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road Pedestrian Signals/8Bell RoadCentral AvenueEast Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner is located approximately 8 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road Pedestrian Signals/9Bell Road15th AvenueWest Leg of CrossingRAISED MEDIAN ISLAND THAT PROJECTS 5 FEET INTO THE WEST LEG CROSSWALK. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 13 feet south and straight back of the curb ramp bottom. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 5-1/2 feet north and straight back of the curb ramp bottom.
Bell Road Pedestrian Signals/6Bell Road28th StreetWest Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located approximately 7 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 9 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb.
Bethany Home Road Pedestrian Signals/14Bethany Home Road39th AvenueEast Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner is located approximately 15 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 10 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 13 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 4-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Bethany Home Road Pedestrian Signals/15Bethany Home RoadState Route 51Northbound Frontage Road Leg of CrossingButtons are located on the traffic island.
Butler Drive Pedestrian Signals/16Butler Drive7th AvenueSouth Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 8 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Cactus Road Pedestrian Signals/18Cactus Road19th AvenueWest Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner to cross Cactus Road is located approximately 6 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom. Button on the northwest corner to cross Cactus Road is located approximately 6-1/2 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom.
Cactus Road Pedestrian Signals/17Cactus Road19th AvenueSouth Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner to cross 19th Avenue is located approximately 11 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross 19th Avenue is located approximately 6 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/26Camelback Road31st AvenueEast Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner to cross Camelback Road is located approximately 7-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner to cross Camelback Road is located straight back from curb ramp bottom approximately 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/27Camelback Road7th AvenueWest Leg of CrossingLIGHT RAIL TRACK IS IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND ON CAMELBACK ROAD. Button is located on the north side at the east end of the light rail platform. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 11-1/2 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 10-1/2 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/28Camelback Road31st AvenueWest Leg of CrossingButton on the northwest corner to cross Camelback Road is located approximately 5 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross Camelback Road is located approximately 9-1/2 west of the curb ramp bottom and 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/19Camelback Road39th AvenueWest Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located approximately 2 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 7 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/20Camelback Road18th StreetNorth Leg of CrossingButton on the northeast corner to cross 18th Street is located approximately 14 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 9 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross 18th Street is located approximately 13 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/21Camelback Road31st AvenueSouth Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner to cross 31st Avenue is located approximately 7-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross 31st Avenue is located approximately 6 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 9-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/22Camelback Road31st AvenueNorth Leg of CrossingMore DetailsButton on the northeast corner to cross 31st Avenue is located approximately 2-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross 31st Avenue is located approximately 5 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 11 feet from the back of curb.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/23Camelback Road18th StreetEast Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner to cross Camelback is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner to cross Camelback is located approximately 10-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/24Camelback Road33rd AvenueEast Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner is located approximately 10 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 9 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Camelback Road Pedestrian Signals/25Camelback Road28th StreetEast Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner is located approximately 10-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 9 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Campbell Avenue Pedestrian Signals/29Campbell AvenueCentral AvenueNorth Leg of CrossingNO CROSSING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THIS INTERSECTION. LIGHT RAIL TRACKS ARE LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. NO STATION ACCESS FROM THE SOUTH END. Button is located on the east side of the light rail platform. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 7 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 12 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 16-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Campbell Avenue Pedestrian Signals/30Campbell Avenue12th StreetSouth Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner is located approximately 15 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 4-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Campbell Avenue Pedestrian Signals/31Campbell Avenue16th StreetSouth Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located approximately 6 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 4 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 15-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Campbell Avenue Pedestrian Signals/32Campbell Avenue15th AvenueNorth Leg of CrossingButton on the northwest corner is located approximately 18 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 4 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 12 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Campbell Avenue Pedestrian Signals/33Campbell Avenue40th StreetNorth Leg of CrossingNo details at this time.
Campbell Avenue Pedestrian Signals/34Campbell Avenue67th AvenueNorth Leg of CrossingButton on the northeast corner is located approximately 11-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located on a separator island approximately 6 feet north of the pedestrian crossing.
Campbell Avenue Pedestrian Signals/35Campbell Avenue44th StreetNorth Leg of CrossingButton on the northwest corner is located approximately 8 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 16-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 10 feet from the back of curb.
Campbell Avenue Pedestrian Signals/36Campbell Avenue19th AvenueSouth Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner to cross 19th Avenue is located approximately 14-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross 19th Avenue is located approximately 13 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Cave Creek Road Pedestrian Signals/37Cave Creek RoadSharon DriveSouth Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 12-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Chandler Boulevard Pedestrian Signals/38Chandler Boulevard48th StreetNorth Leg of CrossingButton on the northeast corner is located approximately 17 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 14 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately15-1/2 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 9 feet from the back of curb.
Chandler Boulevard Pedestrian Signals/39Chandler Boulevard44th StreetWest Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 14-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 9 feet from the back of curb.
Chandler Boulevard Pedestrian Signals/40Chandler Boulevard40th StreetEast Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner is located approximately 13-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb.
Clarendon Avenue Pedestrian Signals/41Clarendon Avenue3rd AvenueSouth Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located approximately 6-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 3 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb.
Coral Gables Drive Pedestrian Signals/42Coral Gables Drive7th StreetSouth Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located approximately 23-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 16 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Deer Valley Road Pedestrian Signals/43Deer Valley Road54th StreetEast Leg of CrossingButton on the southeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 15 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 6-1/2 east of the curb ramp bottom 4 feet from the back of curb.
Deer Valley Road Pedestrian Signals/44Deer Valley Road1800 WestWest Leg of CrossingNO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ON THE EAST SIDE OF INTERSECTION. THERE IS A RAISE MEDIAN ISLAND THAT PROJECTS 5 FEET INTO THE WEST LEG CROSSWALK. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 11 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and straight back from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 11 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and straight back from the back of curb.
Dunlap Avenue Pedestrian Signals/45Dunlap Avenue23rd AvenueWest Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located approximately 9 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 10 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 from the back of curb.
Earll Drive Pedestrian Signals/48Earll Drive3rd StreetWest Leg of CrossingButton on the southwest corner is located approximately 14 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 10-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Earll Drive Pedestrian Signals/46Earll Drive35th AvenueNorth Leg of CrossingButton on the northeast corner is located approximately 19-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 12-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Earll Drive Pedestrian Signals/47Earll DriveCentral AvenueSouth Leg of CrossingNO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF INTERSECTION. LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 4 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 12 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 8 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 12-1/2 feet from back of curb.
Fillmore Street Pedestrian Signals/49Fillmore StreetCentral AvenueNorth Leg of CrossingFILLMORE IS OFFSET EAST/WEST BOUND. CENTRAL AVENUE IS ONE WAY NORTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK ON CENTRAL IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN. Button on the northeast corner to cross Central is located approximately 9 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross Central is located approximately 10 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 12 feet from the back of curb.
Fillmore Street Pedestrian Signals/50Fillmore StreetCentral AvenueWest Leg of CrossingFILLMORE IS OFFSET EAST/WEST BOUND. CENTRAL AVENUE IS ONE WAY NORTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK ON CENTRAL IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN. Button on the northwest corner to cross Fillmore is located approximately 4-1/2 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross Fillmore is located approximately 6 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 9 feet from the back of curb.
Fillmore Street Pedestrian Signals/51Fillmore Street1st AvenueNorth Leg of CrossingFIRST AVENUE IS ONE WAY SOUTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK ON 1st AVENUE IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN. Button on the northeast corner to cross 1st Avenue is located straight back from the bottom of the curb ramp approximately 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross 1st Avenue is located approximately 6 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 10 feet from the back of curb.
Fillmore Street Pedestrian Signals/52Fillmore Street1st AvenueEast Leg of CrossingFIRST AVENUE IS ONE WAY SOUTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK ON 1st AVENUE IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN. Button on the southeast corner to cross Fillmore is located approximately 6 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner to cross Fillmore is located approximately 8 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 14 feet from the back of curb.
Fillmore Street Pedestrian Signals/53Fillmore StreetCentral AvenueSouth Leg of CrossingNo details at this time.