Baseline Road | Pedestrian Signals/4 | Baseline Road | 7th Street | East Leg of Crossing |
Button on the southeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 10 from the back of curb.
Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 8 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7 from the back of curb.
Beardsley Road | Pedestrian Signals/5 | Beardsley Road | Cave Creek Road | South Leg of Crossing | No details at this time. |
Bell Road | Pedestrian Signals/12 | Bell Road | 9th Street | West Leg of Crossing | More Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 14 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 13 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. |
Bell Road | Pedestrian Signals/13 | Bell Road | 7th Street | North Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 8 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb. |
Bell Road | Pedestrian Signals/10 | Bell Road | 7th Street | South Leg of Crossing | TRAFFIC TURNING LEFT FROM NORTH BOUND 7th STREET TO WEST BOUND BELL ROAD HAS A LAGGING LEFT-TURN ARROW. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 6-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner to cross Bell Road is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 9 feet from the back of curb. |
Bell Road | Pedestrian Signals/11 | Bell Road | 7th Street | West Leg of Crossing | TRAFFIC TURNING LEFT FROM NORTH BOUND 7th STREET TO WEST BOUND BELL ROAD HAS A LAGGING LEFT-TURN ARROW. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 6 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross Bell Road is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 7 feet from the back of curb. |
Bell Road | Pedestrian Signals/7 | Bell Road | 16th Street | East Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 17 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 12 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb. |
Bell Road | Pedestrian Signals/8 | Bell Road | Central Avenue | East Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 8 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb. |
Bell Road | Pedestrian Signals/9 | Bell Road | 15th Avenue | West Leg of Crossing | RAISED MEDIAN ISLAND THAT PROJECTS 5 FEET INTO THE WEST LEG CROSSWALK. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 13 feet south and straight back of the curb ramp bottom. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 5-1/2 feet north and straight back of the curb ramp bottom. |
Bell Road | Pedestrian Signals/6 | Bell Road | 28th Street | West Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 7 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 9 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb. |
Bethany Home Road | Pedestrian Signals/14 | Bethany Home Road | 39th Avenue | East Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 15 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 10 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 13 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 4-1/2 feet from the back of curb. |
Bethany Home Road | Pedestrian Signals/15 | Bethany Home Road | State Route 51 | Northbound Frontage Road Leg of Crossing | Buttons are located on the traffic island. |
Butler Drive | Pedestrian Signals/16 | Butler Drive | 7th Avenue | South Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 8 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. |
Cactus Road | Pedestrian Signals/18 | Cactus Road | 19th Avenue | West Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner to cross Cactus Road is located approximately 6 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom. Button on the northwest corner to cross Cactus Road is located approximately 6-1/2 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom. |
Cactus Road | Pedestrian Signals/17 | Cactus Road | 19th Avenue | South Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner to cross 19th Avenue is located approximately 11 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross 19th Avenue is located approximately 6 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/26 | Camelback Road | 31st Avenue | East Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner to cross Camelback Road is located approximately 7-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner to cross Camelback Road is located straight back from curb ramp bottom approximately 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/27 | Camelback Road | 7th Avenue | West Leg of Crossing | LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND ON CAMELBACK ROAD. Button is located on the north side at the east end of the light rail platform. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 11-1/2 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 10-1/2 feet straight back from the curb ramp bottom. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/28 | Camelback Road | 31st Avenue | West Leg of Crossing | Button on the northwest corner to cross Camelback Road is located approximately 5 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross Camelback Road is located approximately 9-1/2 west of the curb ramp bottom and 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/19 | Camelback Road | 39th Avenue | West Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 2 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 7 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/20 | Camelback Road | 18th Street | North Leg of Crossing | Button on the northeast corner to cross 18th Street is located approximately 14 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 9 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross 18th Street is located approximately 13 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/21 | Camelback Road | 31st Avenue | South Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner to cross 31st Avenue is located approximately 7-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross 31st Avenue is located approximately 6 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 9-1/2 feet from the back of curb. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/22 | Camelback Road | 31st Avenue | North Leg of Crossing | More DetailsButton on the northeast corner to cross 31st Avenue is located approximately 2-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross 31st Avenue is located approximately 5 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 11 feet from the back of curb. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/23 | Camelback Road | 18th Street | East Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner to cross Camelback is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner to cross Camelback is located approximately 10-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/24 | Camelback Road | 33rd Avenue | East Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 10 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 9 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. |
Camelback Road | Pedestrian Signals/25 | Camelback Road | 28th Street | East Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 10-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 9 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. |
Campbell Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/29 | Campbell Avenue | Central Avenue | North Leg of Crossing | NO CROSSING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THIS INTERSECTION. LIGHT RAIL TRACKS ARE LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. NO STATION ACCESS FROM THE SOUTH END. Button is located on the east side of the light rail platform. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 7 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 12 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 16-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. |
Campbell Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/30 | Campbell Avenue | 12th Street | South Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 15 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 4-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. |
Campbell Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/31 | Campbell Avenue | 16th Street | South Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 6 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 4 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 15-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. |
Campbell Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/32 | Campbell Avenue | 15th Avenue | North Leg of Crossing | Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 18 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 4 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 12 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. |
Campbell Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/33 | Campbell Avenue | 40th Street | North Leg of Crossing | No details at this time. |
Campbell Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/34 | Campbell Avenue | 67th Avenue | North Leg of Crossing | Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 11-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located on a separator island approximately 6 feet north of the pedestrian crossing. |
Campbell Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/35 | Campbell Avenue | 44th Street | North Leg of Crossing | Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 8 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 16-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 10 feet from the back of curb. |
Campbell Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/36 | Campbell Avenue | 19th Avenue | South Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner to cross 19th Avenue is located approximately 14-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross 19th Avenue is located approximately 13 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. |
Cave Creek Road | Pedestrian Signals/37 | Cave Creek Road | Sharon Drive | South Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 12-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. |
Chandler Boulevard | Pedestrian Signals/38 | Chandler Boulevard | 48th Street | North Leg of Crossing | Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 17 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 14 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately15-1/2 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 9 feet from the back of curb. |
Chandler Boulevard | Pedestrian Signals/39 | Chandler Boulevard | 44th Street | West Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 14-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 9 feet from the back of curb. |
Chandler Boulevard | Pedestrian Signals/40 | Chandler Boulevard | 40th Street | East Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 13-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb. |
Clarendon Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/41 | Clarendon Avenue | 3rd Avenue | South Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 6-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 3 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb. |
Coral Gables Drive | Pedestrian Signals/42 | Coral Gables Drive | 7th Street | South Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 23-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 16 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. |
Deer Valley Road | Pedestrian Signals/43 | Deer Valley Road | 54th Street | East Leg of Crossing | Button on the southeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 15 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 6-1/2 east of the curb ramp bottom 4 feet from the back of curb. |
Deer Valley Road | Pedestrian Signals/44 | Deer Valley Road | 1800 West | West Leg of Crossing | NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ON THE EAST SIDE OF INTERSECTION. THERE IS A RAISE MEDIAN ISLAND THAT PROJECTS 5 FEET INTO THE WEST LEG CROSSWALK. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 11 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and straight back from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 11 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and straight back from the back of curb. |
Dunlap Avenue | Pedestrian Signals/45 | Dunlap Avenue | 23rd Avenue | West Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 9 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 10 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 from the back of curb. |
Earll Drive | Pedestrian Signals/48 | Earll Drive | 3rd Street | West Leg of Crossing | Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 14 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 10-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. |
Earll Drive | Pedestrian Signals/46 | Earll Drive | 35th Avenue | North Leg of Crossing | Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 19-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 12-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. |
Earll Drive | Pedestrian Signals/47 | Earll Drive | Central Avenue | South Leg of Crossing | NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF INTERSECTION. LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 4 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 12 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 8 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 12-1/2 feet from back of curb. |
Fillmore Street | Pedestrian Signals/49 | Fillmore Street | Central Avenue | North Leg of Crossing | FILLMORE IS OFFSET EAST/WEST BOUND. CENTRAL AVENUE IS ONE WAY NORTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK ON CENTRAL IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN. Button on the northeast corner to cross Central is located approximately 9 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross Central is located approximately 10 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 12 feet from the back of curb. |
Fillmore Street | Pedestrian Signals/50 | Fillmore Street | Central Avenue | West Leg of Crossing | FILLMORE IS OFFSET EAST/WEST BOUND. CENTRAL AVENUE IS ONE WAY NORTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK ON CENTRAL IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN. Button on the northwest corner to cross Fillmore is located approximately 4-1/2 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross Fillmore is located approximately 6 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 9 feet from the back of curb. |
Fillmore Street | Pedestrian Signals/51 | Fillmore Street | 1st Avenue | North Leg of Crossing | FIRST AVENUE IS ONE WAY SOUTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK ON 1st AVENUE IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN. Button on the northeast corner to cross 1st Avenue is located straight back from the bottom of the curb ramp approximately 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross 1st Avenue is located approximately 6 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 10 feet from the back of curb. |
Fillmore Street | Pedestrian Signals/52 | Fillmore Street | 1st Avenue | East Leg of Crossing | FIRST AVENUE IS ONE WAY SOUTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK ON 1st AVENUE IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN. Button on the southeast corner to cross Fillmore is located approximately 6 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner to cross Fillmore is located approximately 8 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 14 feet from the back of curb. |
Fillmore Street | Pedestrian Signals/53 | Fillmore Street | Central Avenue | South Leg of Crossing | No details at this time. |