32nd Street: Cheryl Drive to Cholla Street

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​About the Project

The City of Phoenix is in the early stages of making pedestrian and other safety improvements to the North 32nd Street Corridor. The current study previously focused on North 32nd Street between East Shea Boulevard and East Cholla Street. After public input, the limits of the project have expanded to include North 32nd Street from East Cheryl Drive to East Cholla Street. This effort will include evaluating the following alternatives:

  • Right ​sizing the roadway for current and anticipated traffic volumes

  • Widening sidewalks for pedestrian safety

  • Reconfiguring dedicated bike lanes

  • Increasing the landscape elements along the corridor

Construction of State Route 51 resulted in a corresponding decrease in traffic volume along this portion of 32nd Street. This allowed the city to study ways to enhance the safety of the road, while contributing to a more vibrant community along the North 32nd Street Corridor. 

Constraints such as overhead power lines on the western side, existing water and sewer lines, high pressure gas lines and other infrastructure will influence the design options for this area.

​​​Public Engagement

A video recording of three separate virtual public meetings​ that were held between May 2021 and October 2022 to gather community input and share update with residents are posted on this page. The roll plot that was presented during the October 20, 2022 virtual public meeting is linked below. 

October 2022 Roll Plot

Final project design is anticipated to be complete in April 2024. 

Construction is anticipated to begin in early 2025.

Project Contact

For additional information, please contact: 

John Dickson, Project Manager

Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program
Title VI Notice to the Public and ADA Policy Statement

The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department hereby gives notice that it is the agency's policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title II of The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related statutes and regulations in all program​​​​​​​s and activities. These federal statutes require that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program, activity or service the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department administers. More information regarding the Title VI program can be found at Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program or email  STR Title VI Program.​​​​

 Virtual Meeting No. 3 - Oct 20, 2022

 Virtual Meeting No. 2 - Feb. 17, 2022

 Virtual Meeting No. 1 - May 11, 2021

​Map of Project AreaMap of project area