University Dr. / Riverview Dr. from 7th to 16th Streets

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Project Update Notice - November 2023​​

About the Project

​The Phoenix Street Transportation Department is proposing an update that would add bike lanes on University Drive / Riverview Drive from 7th Street to 16th Street.

If approved, the timeline for the project would be winter 2023.

This is an industrial/commercial area with access to the nearby Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area pathway. The width of the street varies throughout the project area, but is consistently wide enough to accommodate the addition of bike lanes while preserving the existing parking lanes.

Bike lanes add space between people driving and people walking or biking for increased protection from vehicles, improved safety and added comfort. Additionally, the slight narrowing of the lane widths to accommodate the bike lanes will help to guide cars and deter speeding.​​

Proposed Options

The department is proposing three options for this area:

  • Option A: Current design - one driving lane in each direction and no on-street parking
  • Option B: One driving lane in each direction with bike lanes and on-street parking​
  • Option C: One driving lane in each direction with buffered bike lanes and no on-street parking​

Scroll down to view cross-section diagrams of each option.

 Virtual Presentation

​Community Input Opportunity

​To learn more about the proposed changes, watch the pre-recorded presentation posted above that was published on May 15, 2023. The presentation is also available to view on YouTube​

Contact the Project Team

Email to submit a question to the project team. ​​​​​​​

​Proposed Options

Option A: Current design - one driving lane in each direction and no on-street parking 

Option B: One driving lane in each direction with bike lanes and on-street parking

Option C: One driving lane in each direction with buffered bike lanes and no on-street parking