


Phoenix COVID-19 Testing and Select Vaccination Eventshttps://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/em-and-hs/1399Emergency Management & Homeland Security12/21/2022 11:15:00 PMhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/NewsArticle/Attachments/1399/Newsroom_Virus_Testing.jpgPhoenix COVID-19 Testing and Select Vaccination Events<div class="ExternalClassC28C666601ED4A2F8A858B0E52290B0A"><html> <div class="ExternalClassFA4EFB964BD142158CA446F5807F9C77"> <br> <h2 class="ms-rteElement-H2">General Inform​​ation</h2><h3>Face Mask Requirements After CDC Eases Guidelines</h3><p>In Feb. 2022, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a new set of measures that will allow people who are healthy and living in counties where the coronavirus poses a low or medium community risk level, to stop wearing a face mask in public settings.<a target="_blank" href="/newsroom/city-manager/2253"> As of Aug. 31, 2022, Maricopa County is at a low risk level, so effective immediately, a face mask will not be required for most City employees</a>.<br></p><h3>Downtown Phoenix Buildings Are “By Appointment Only”​<br></h3><p>​<a href="/newsroom/public-works/1084" target="_blank">Public access to the following downtown city of Phoenix buildings is currently by appointment only ​</a><br>Phoenix City Hall – 200 W. Washington St.<br>Calvin C. Goode Building – 251 W. Washington St.<br>Phoenix Public Transit Building – 302 N. First Ave​</p><p></p><h3>City of Phoenix Impacted City Services Update</h3><p> <a target="_blank" href="/newsroom/em-and-hs/1054">Learn what's impacted with current city services. Learn more.</a><br> </p><h3>Coronavirus Business & Resident Resources </h3><p> <a target="_blank" href="/resources">Additional resources for Phoenix businesses, the workforce, and residents relating to COVID-19. Learn more.</a><br> </p><h3>Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Strategic Plan</h3><p> <a target="_blank" href="/COVIDrelief">Information and updates on the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Strategic Plan funded by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Learn more.</a> ​​​<br> </p> ​ <h2>​COVID-19 T​​esting<br></h2><p>We're all in this together. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/COVID19?src=hash" target="_blank">#COVID19</a> testing with no out-of-pocket cost. The city of #PHX now has two #COVID19 mobile testing vans out in the community. A limited number of free at-home COVID-19 test kits and masks will be available at mobile testing events on a first-come, first-served basis. Note: The FDA has extended the shelf-life of iHealth COVID-19 antigen rapid tests. <a href="https://ihealthlabs.com/pages/news" target="_blank">Learn more and check the expiration date of your test.</a><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">​</span></p><p style="margin:0px 0px 10px;line-height:1.6;"> <strong>Mobile Van #1: </strong><a href="https://vincerecancer.com/" target="_blank">Vincere Cancer Center</a><br><strong>Mobile Van #2: </strong><a href="https://premierlabsolutions.com/covid-19" target="_blank">Premier Lab Solutions</a><br><strong>Blitz Vendor #1: </strong><a href="https://www.familytreehealthcare.com/" target="_blank">Equality Health​</a><br><strong>Blitz Vendor #2: </strong><a href="https://www.onecommunityaz.com/" target="_blank">Family Tree Health Care​</a><br> </p><p style="margin:0px 0px 10px;line-height:1.6;">Free at-home COVID-19 test kits are also available at all <a href="https://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/locations" target="_blank">17 Phoenix Library Locations​</a>. The tests will be available in limited quantities on a first-come, first-served basis.<br></p><h2> Vaccinations<br></h2><p>Select events marked with <strong> <span style="color:#0066cc;">Testing & Vaccination Event</span></strong> offer COVID-19 tests and vaccines! For other vaccine locations see <a target="_blank" href="https://www.maricopa.gov/5659/COVID-19-Vaccine-Locations">Maricopa County Vaccine Finder</a> and <a target="_blank" href="https://www.vaccines.gov/search/">Vaccines.gov search</a>.<span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​</span></p><h3>More Dates Coming Soon<br>​<br><br></h3></div> </html></div>https://www.phoenix.gov/emergencyNewsem-and-hsFree COVID-19 Testing & VaccinationEM & HS#COVID19 #Coronavirus #FaceCoverings #CityofPhoenixAZ #COVIDTesting #Vaccination#COVID19, #Coronavirus, #FaceCoverings, #Vaccinate, #VaccinationTamra Ingersoll602-376-3981602-534-6648tamra.ingersoll@phoenix.govhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/MediaContact/Attachments/12/Tamra_Ingersoll.jpgYvette Roeder602-501-0620602-262-5099yvette.roeder@phoenix.govhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/MediaContact/Attachments/24/Yvette_Roeder.jpgCityofPhoenixAZ



Orpheum Theatre Kissing Room - Phoenix Then and Nowhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/phxtv/3350PHXTV2/14/2025 7:00:00 AMhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/NewsArticle/Attachments/3350/Kissing Room thumb.pnghttps://youtu.be/WXmWzhikrmYOrpheum Theatre Kissing Room - Phoenix Then and Now<div class="ExternalClass25AC9D5B63924B68AAC833F0D850B53B"><html> <p>​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span><span style="color:rgb(13, 13, 13);font-family:roboto, noto, sans-serif;font-size:15px;">A little know feature of the Orpheum Theatre, affectionately know as the Kissing Room, is on the second floor. Dedicated to young people the official name of the room is the Rotunda of the Young Moderns. Used for various purposes over the years the room has an interesting acoustic effect. If you stand in the middle and speak in a whisper your voice is amplified by the domed ceiling.</span>​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p> </html></div>https://www.phoenix.gov/phxtvVideo
Eastlake Legacy Mural: A Masterpiece by Artist Giovannie Dixonhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/phxtv/3351PHXTV2/13/2025 7:00:00 AMhttps://youtu.be/eYCV8YVXxRcEastlake Legacy Mural: A Masterpiece by Artist Giovannie Dixon<div class="ExternalClass8E446A6B437E4F30AA44795F0CB5BBC7"><html> <p>​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span><span style="color:rgb(13, 13, 13);font-family:roboto, noto, sans-serif;font-size:15px;">The Eastlake Park Legacy Mural, created by artist Giovannie Dixon, is a key piece of the 2024 NCAA Men's Final Four Legacy Project. It pays tribute to 11 influential community leaders and pioneers from the Eastlake Park area. The mural is located at Eastlake Park, at the corner of 16th Street and Jefferson in Phoenix. To learn more about each person featured, visit phoenix.gov/parks/eastlake-mural</span>​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p> </html></div>https://www.phoenix.gov/phxtvVideo
First Affordable Housing Project in Phoenix Named in Honor of Black Explorer - Black History Monthhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/phxtv/3352PHXTV2/13/2025 7:00:00 AMhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/NewsArticle/Attachments/3352/Matthew Henson YouTube Thumbnail.pnghttps://youtu.be/kdhvLaPqrMYFirst Affordable Housing Project in Phoenix Named in Honor of Black Explorer - Black History Month<div class="ExternalClass468C54E7DA4641AAA8BB61A82AADA4A7"><html> <p>​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-start"></span><span style="color:rgb(13, 13, 13);font-family:roboto, noto, sans-serif;font-size:15px;">In the 1930s, Father Emmett McLoughlin saw a need for affordable housing in Phoenix so he helped create the Phoenix Housing Authority. Built in 1940 and named in honor of Matthew Henson, a black explorer said to be the first person to set foot on the North Pole, the first project was the Matthew Henson public housing project. Renovated in 2001, the project features senior living apartments, townhomes, apartments, a youth center, a community center, pool, and playgrounds.</span>​<span id="ms-rterangepaste-end"></span><br></p> </html></div>https://www.phoenix.gov/phxtvVideo



Office of Homeland Security & Emergency ManagementCityofPhoenixAZhttps://www.phoenix.gov/emergencyOffice of Homeland Security & Emergency Managementem-and-hsEM & HShttps://www.youtube.com/user/cityofphoenixazhttps://nextdoor.com/agency-detail/az/phoenix/city-of-phoenixcityofphoenixaz

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