City of Phoenix Recognizes Ten Years of 'Paint Phoenix Purple' — a Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign | | Human Services | | 9/30/2022 7:00:00 PM | | | City of Phoenix Recognizes Ten Years of 'Paint Phoenix Purple' — a Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign | <div class="ExternalClassAB441B71035940FB803557493F999934"><html>
<p>October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month — raising awareness around one of the most widespread and dangerous health and safety challenges in our community today. <a target="_blank" data-cke-saved-href="" href="/humanservices/programs/strategicinitiatives/paintphoenixpurple">Paint Phoenix Purple</a> is a City of Phoenix awareness campaign brought to you by a collaboration of more than 50 community, private, and public organizations. <br><br>In December of 2012, the Mayor and City Council endorsed the goal to end domestic violence in Phoenix. In April 2013, that plan was approved. Here are just a few accomplishments over the last 10 years:<br></p>
<p>Created and distributed more than 80k resources to community partners with information on local shelters, safety planning, and identifying domestic violence</p>
<p>Created a centralized screening hotline for placement in local shelters</p>
<p>Offered trainings classes to City of Phoenix employees and the community on subjects such as the Arizona Child & Adolescent Survivor Initiative (ACASI) and domestic violence in the LGBTQIA+ community</p>
<p>Reached more than 75k students through outreach events at local high schools with lunch time resource fairs, football and volleyball games, and classroom trainings</p>
<p>Raised approximately $12k through an online store created for City employees and community members to purchase Paint Phoenix Purple merchandise to wear during the month of October; proceeds benefited the <a target="_blank" data-cke-saved-href="" href="">Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence</a> (ACESDV)</p>
<p>Collected more than 30k items including toiletries, cleaning supplies, new clothing, pet items, and prepaid cell phones for local shelters through an annual donation in conjunction with ACESDV <br></p>
<p>Additionally, the City’s <a target="_blank" data-cke-saved-href="" href="/humanservices/programs/victims/fac">Family Advocacy Center</a> (FAC) made major strides forward, including:<br></p>
<p>Launched an Order of Protection Pilot program in February 2014 – the FAC worked with other valley law enforcement to develop service processes when orders obtained in Phoenix must be served elsewhere</p>
<p>In February 2016, FAC received Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding from the Arizona Department of Public Safety to implement a mobile victim advocacy project, allowing the expansion of service delivery beyond the walls of the FAC </p>
<p>Victim Services Division developed a new electronic system for assigning referrals to Victim Advocates in December 2019, allowing Advocates to spend more time providing services to crime victims<br></p>
<p>Join the City in recognizing this important initiative all throughout the month. See a calendar of events below and <a target="_blank" data-cke-saved-href="" href="/humanservices/programs/strategicinitiatives/paintphoenixpurple">more details here</a>. </p><p style="text-align:center;"><a target="_blank" href="/humanservices/programs/strategicinitiatives/paintphoenixpurple" data-cke-saved-href="" style="text-align:center;background-color:window;font-size:10pt;"><img src="" data-placement="custom" align="middle" alt="Paint Phoenix Purple 2022 Calendar.PNG" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0" style="width:550px;height:678px;" /></a><br></p><p>If you or someone you know is a victim, please call 1-800-799-HELP (7233) or <a target="_blank" data-cke-saved-href="" href="/police/domesticviolence">visit this page for more resources</a>.<br></p>
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