


Critical Incident Briefing: January 7, 2023 – Rural Road and Lakeshore Drive in Tempe, Arizonahttps://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/police/2632Police1/20/2023 9:45:00 PMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCvKYlAuav4Critical Incident Briefing: January 7, 2023 – Rural Road and Lakeshore Drive in Tempe, Arizona<div class="ExternalClass92A0764F40714CC8B4AD2B4AACF931E1"><html> <p>​<strong style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">WARNING: The attached video may contain strong language as well as graphic images which may be disturbing to some people. Viewer discretion is advised.</strong></p> <p>The Phoenix Police Department has released a Critical Incident Briefing (CIB) video that includes audio, visuals and information related to an officer-involved shooting (OIS) which occurred on January 7, 2023.</p> <p>This incident began in the area of Rural Road and Lakeshore Drive in Tempe, Arizona when officers from the Phoenix Police Tactical Support Bureau were conducting surveillance in the area. The officers were attempting to locate a man who was wanted for shooting and wounding a Scottsdale Police sergeant the day prior in Phoenix. </p> <p>During the surveillance, the man was seen leaving an apartment and walking into a commercial business parking lot. Officers moved towards the man, gave him several commands to show his hands and get on the ground. The man did not respond. Officers used a less-lethal tool known as an Arwen, to get the man to comply. An Arwen is a 37mm launcher that fires a less-lethal direct impact baton which is designed to deliver pain compliance. This tool is only used by members of the Special Assignments Unit.</p> <p>After the officers used then Arwen, the man then pulled out a firearm and that was when the officer-involved shooting occurred. </p> <p>The firearm used by the man was recovered on scene. </p> <p>After the shooting the man was treated by officers until the Phoenix Fire Department arrived. The man was rushed to the hospital where he died from his injuries. There were no injuries to officers or any other community members.</p> <p>The sergeant involved in this shooting has been with the department for 16 1/2 years and is assigned to the Tactical Support Bureau.</p> <p>The other 2 officers involved in this shooting have been with the department for 15 and 14 years respectively and are assigned to the Tactical Support Bureau.</p> <p>Conclusions about whether the actions of the officers are consistent with department policy and the law will not be made until all facts are known and the investigation is complete. An internal investigation by the Professional Standard Bureau is currently underway, in addition to a criminal investigation. Once the criminal investigation is complete it will then be reviewed by the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.<br> <br>Public records law required redaction of certain personal identifying information before video is released publicly. That is why you may see some parts of Body Worn Camera (BWC) blurred or covered with a black box. Redacted video is released to local media in conjunction with the release of this Critical Incident Briefing for independent review and publication. Complete, unedited versions of the BWC are released to attorneys and the courts as evidence in a criminal case.​<br></p> </html></div>https://phoenix.gov/policeVideopolicePolice@phoenixpolicePolice Main PIOphoenixpd.pio@phoenix.govhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/MediaContact/Attachments/36/Police2.pngPhoenixPolice



Give Your Input 2025-2029 Grant Planning Processhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/neighborhood-services/3347Neighborhood Services2/10/2025 10:00:00 PMhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/NewsArticle/Attachments/3347/City of Phoenix Skyline.pngGive Your Input 2025-2029 Grant Planning Process<div class="ExternalClass9EF94216431645ACA2E3AAB5AE174A20"><html> <p>​​Every five years, the city of Phoenix develops a Consolidated Plan to submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).<br></p> <p>The Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive plan for affordable housing and community development created from an assessment of the community needs and market conditions. The consolidated planning process serves as the framework for a community-wide dialogue to identify housing and community development priorities that align and focus funding from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investme​​nt Partnership, Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs.</p> <p>"We are asking the community to participate in the planning process by attending community meetings and providing feedback on proposed goals. Don't miss this opportunity to be involved in the City's 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan process," Neighborhood Services Department Director Spencer Self said. <br></p> <p>The Your City, Your Voice: Improving Your Community Over the Next 5 Years series of community meetings will be held across Phoenix to explain the grant funding sources and to give residents content to help voice their goals through a public survey. To learn more, visit <a target="_blank" href="/nsd/yourvoice"><strong>phoenix.gov/YourVoice</strong> </a>for future updates.<br></p> </html></div>https://www.phoenix.gov/nsdNews
City of Phoenix Appoints New Chief Information Security Officer https://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/information-technology-services/3346Information Technology Services2/7/2025 3:00:00 PMhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/NewsArticle/Attachments/3346/phoenix ciso mitch kohlbecker.pngCity of Phoenix Appoints New Chief Information Security Officer <div class="ExternalClassF20B958434264427AB625C9597771947"><html> The City of Phoenix and Information Technology Services Department are pleased to announce the appointment of Mitch Kohlbecker as the City’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).   <br><br> <div></div> <div>For nearly five years, Kohlbecker has dedicated his time to serving the City of Phoenix as the deputy chief information security officer, and his efforts significantly strengthened the city’s security office. He drove critical advancements in Architecture, Engineering, Risk Management and Compliance, greatly improving the organization's security posture. </div> <div> <br> </div> <div>Prior to joining the City, Kohlbecker served over two decades in leadership as a Chief Information Security Officer and Senior Director in various organizations across a range of industries, including education, government, non-profit, and Fortune-listed companies. </div> <div> <br> </div> <div>“I look forward to my continued work in securing the City and its assets and data on behalf of our constituents,” said Kohlbecker. “Cybersecurity is a critical component of the overall health of City operations, and I'm eager to work with my colleagues to help foster a culture of business innovation and enhancement, done securely.“ </div><div><br></div><div>As CISO, Kohlbecker’s goal will be to balance the City’s business needs with the essential task of safeguarding the City's assets and resident information. His view is that effective security and business alignment are not mutually exclusive but complementary pursuits that drive overall organizational success.<br></div><div></div> </html></div>https://www.phoenix.gov/itsNews
City of Phoenix Appoints Maxwell Wilson as Water Resources Management Advisorhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/city-manager/3344City Manager2/6/2025 9:52:00 PMhttps://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/NewsArticle/Attachments/3344/Newsroom_MaxwellWilson_no_text.pngCity of Phoenix Appoints Maxwell Wilson as Water Resources Management Advisor<div class="ExternalClass4588D46998364DD4B6320C61C23EB245"><html> <p>​The City of Phoenix has named Dr. Maxwell Wilson as its new Water Resources Management Advisor, effective February 3, 2025. Wilson, who has served as Deputy Water Services Director for the Water Planning Division, steps into the role following the retirement of Cynthia Campbell, a highly regarded expert in Arizona water policy.<br></p> <p>With more than a decade of experience in water resource management, conservation, and policy development, Wilson has been a driving force behind Phoenix’s efforts to ensure a sustainable water future. Since joining the Phoenix Water Services Department in 2021, he has played a pivotal role in expanding conservation initiatives, implementing innovative water efficiency programs, and strengthening partnerships with local, state, and federal agencies.<br></p> <p>"Phoenix has a strong history of responsible water use. Our growing, thriving City needs someone with the experience and talent Max brings to the role. It is crucial to meeting the needs of our residents, businesses, and future generations," said City Manager Jeff Barton. "I am confident he will be a strong leader as we navigate the complexities of water management and continue providing safe, reliable water to our community."<br></p> <p>As Deputy Water Services Director, Wilson oversaw water resource planning, infrastructure records services, and conservation programs. Under his leadership, Phoenix advanced initiatives such as Advanced Water Purification, financial incentive programs for homeowners, and new conservation strategies aimed at mitigating the impacts of ongoing drought conditions. His expertise in long-term water planning has helped position Phoenix as a national leader in sustainable water management.<br></p> <p>In his new role, Wilson will advise the City Manager, Mayor, and City Council on critical water policy matters, represent Phoenix in high-level discussions with state and federal agencies, and continue to drive policies that ensure the city’s water security amid ongoing climate challenges.<br></p> <p>"Phoenix’s commitment to water sustainability has been built on a legacy of forward-thinking policies and strategic planning," said Wilson. "I’m honored to step into this role and continue working with our community, policymakers, and industry leaders to secure a resilient water future for Phoenix."<br></p> <p>Wilson holds a Ph.D. in Biology and has dedicated his career to addressing the water challenges in the Southwest and around the world. His appointment underscores the City of Phoenix’s ongoing commitment to proactive water management, innovation, and long-term sustainability.<br></p> <p>He succeeds Cynthia Campbell, who served as Water Resources Management Advisor since 2011. During her tenure, Campbell played a key role in securing Phoenix’s long-term water supplies, developing drought management strategies, and leading the city's participation in major conservation agreements.<br></p> <p><b>About City of Phoenix Water Services Department</b><br></p> <p>The City of Phoenix Water Services Department is dedicated to providing high-quality, reliable, and sustainable water services to the residents, businesses, and visitors of Phoenix. With a commitment to water conservation, innovation, and long-term planning, the department ensures a secure and resilient water supply for future generations. For more information, visit <a href="/waterservices" target="_blank"><strong>phoenix.gov/water.</strong></a><br></p> <p>Media Contacts:<br></p> <p>Michael Gertzman<br><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">Sr. Public Information Officer<br></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">Water Services<br></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">602-534-1209 <br></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;"><a href="mailto:michael.gertzman@phoenix.gov" target="_blank"><strong>michael.gertzman@phoenix.gov</strong></a></span></p> <p></p> <p>Jimena Garrison<br><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">Public Information Officer<br></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">Water Services<br></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">480-390-1933<br></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;"><a href="mailto:jimena.garrison@phoenix.gov" target="_blank"><strong>jimena.garrison@phoenix.gov</strong></a></span></p> <p>​</p> </html></div>https://www.phoenix.gov/citymanagerNews




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