3rd Ave. from Catalina Dr. to Osborn Rd.

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About the Project

​The Phoenix Street Transportation Department is doing a feasibility and design study that looks at extending the two-way protected bike lane on 3rd Avenue north of Catalina Drive to Osborn Road, as well as adding the city's first protected intersection for bicycle riders. Please view the three proposed design option diagrams below.

The study area is located within the Midtown Transit Oriented Development District (TOD). This proposed project also would build off a project that was completed in 2023, through which lane changes were made to 3rd Avenue from Thomas Road to Osborn Road

Study Area Map

This section of 3rd Avenue is part of the Phoenix Sonoran Bikeway, a long-standing bicycle route that was established in 2001. Beginning at South Mountain Park, the Sonoran Bikeway is a loop that covers 75 miles of paved surface. The 3rd Avenue segment starts at Washington Street and continues all the way up to Maryland Avenue.  

 Feasibility and Design Study Virtual Public Meeting - Feb. 20, 2024

Community Engagement

The video recording of the virtual public meeting viewable above was hosted via Webex on February 20, 2024 at 6 p.m., to present an update to the community about the feasibility and design study.

Surrounding Area Details

  • This project will enhance the continuation of lane changes that have already been made from Osborn Road to Indian School Road. Currently, Osborn to Indian School roads on 3rd Avenue have one driving lane in each direction, with a center turn lane and protected bike lanes. 

  • The Street Transportation Department is also working to improve bicycle facitilites on 3rd Avenue from McDowell Road to Thomas Road. The Thomas to Osborn roads bikeway improvements would connect the existing improvements north of Osborn Road with the improvements under construction south of Thomas Road.

Contact the Project Team

Submit a question to the project team by calling the project hotline at 623-825-3444 or emailing Project Communications Consultant Albert Gran​ill​o at agranillo@barnhart​​co.com.​​​​​

​​Proposed Design Options

(click the image for a larger view)

Option 1: Two-way protected bikeway transition at Catalina Dr., protected intersection at Earll Dr.

Option 2: Two-way protected bikeway transition at Earll Dr. (protected intersection)

Option 3: Two-way protected bikeway transition at Osborn Rd.