In 1998, the City Council approved the Capital Construction Fund to be used for improvements to the City’s existing infrastructure. One of the uses of this fund is for the Street and Sidewalk Modernization Program. The program is used to construct sidewalks on local and collector streets in residential areas that have curb and gutter but are lacking sidewalks. It is also used to complete to City standards existing local and collector streets that lack curb, gutter, sidewalks, and full width paving.
Funding is limited for these programs; there is currently a wait list for new projects at this time. Due to budget restraints the economy is facing these programs could be reduced drastically or cut altogether.
Benefits of Program
An improved street may provide safer traffic movement for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists and allow storm water to drain more efficiently.

Prioritization Process
In order to ensure that these funds are being used effectively and efficiently, a prioritization system has been developed. This system favors streets in fully developed residential neighborhoods.
The prioritization factors are as follows:
- Street Classification: Collector streets (usually ½ mile streets) are rated higher than local streets.
- Right-of-Way: Enough right-of-way is available for the improvement. The property owner(s) must donate needed right-of-way, or the street cannot be improved.
- Land Use: Proportion of frontage with developed Residential properties
- Existing Condition: Half width streets are rated higher than full streets
- Neighborhood Support: All affected property owners (no renters) sign a petition supporting the improvement.
- Other factors including:
Street serves a school
Street connects to a bus route
Street is a bike route
Street serves a public facility such as a park, shopping, etc.
Street is in a T2050 Mobility Area
Needs additional Americans with Disabilities (ADA) ramp improvements
Other Requirements
The candidate street segment must be a City owned and maintained local or collector street. Private streets, which are maintained by the adjacent residents or homeowner associations, are not eligible for this program.
How to Request Sidewalk Maintenance/Repair
Contact the Street Transportation Department Dispatch Office by calling 602-262-6441 or emailing You may also submit Street Maintenance Service Requests and access other City services direct by downloading and using our City of Phoenix myPHX311 mobile app or by going to our online portal at
How to Apply for Sidewalk Installation
Interested property owners or citizen groups can submit their request by:
Brian Fellows, Principal Planner
Phone: 602-534-2163![Call: 602-534-2163]()
Mail: Street Transportation Dept.
1034 E. Madison St.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Please tell us the street name and limits and your contact information. City staff will investigate the request, determine if it is feasible to improve the street and inform the requestor(s). If the improvement is feasible, a petition will be sent to the requestor(s) that must be signed by all affected property owners (no renters) showing support for the project.
If right-of-way is needed from any property, a signed statement from the property owner(s) pledging to donate the right-of-way is necessary before the project can be approved for funding. The petition will indicate which property owners need to make right-of-way donations.
Property owners with decorative fences, walls, lights, and landscaping (trees, shrubs, grass, sprinklers, etc.) that conflict with the proposed street improvements must agree to remove or relocate these items before the project can be approved for funding.
Approval Process and Timeline
When a requested improvement receives the support of the affected property owners (by petition), it is rated according to the prioritization factors and the top-rated requests are funded each year. Once the project receives funding, an engineer is hired to prepare construction plans. These plans take six to twelve months to prepare. After plans are completed, construction usually begins within three to four months and takes from four to six months to complete. The total elapsed time from request to completion of construction may be up to three years. The project may be delayed for a longer period if funding is not immediately available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be any cost to me for these improvements?
No. These improvements will be done at no cost to the property owner. However, if decorative fences, walls, lights, and landscaping (trees, shrubs, grass, sprinklers, etc.) that conflict with the proposed street improvements and are within existing city right-of-way, they must be removed or relocated by the property owner prior to construction or the improvement cannot be constructed.
Will my property taxes increase due to these improvements?
Property taxes will not increase directly due to improvements to the street in City right-of-way.
Will I be paid for right-of-way that the City needs to do these improvements?
No. Right-of-way must be donated or no funding can be allocated for construction of improvements until all of the necessary right-of-way is secured.
What happens to mailboxes that are in the way of the street improvements?
Mailboxes will be relocated by the contractor at no cost to the property owner.