RPPP Traditional Parking Options

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​Below are three different parking options that may work for your neighborhood.

  • No Restrictions –Vehicles (excluding trucks in excess of ¾ ton or buses) may park on the street, as long as they do not violate the 48-Hour continuous parking limit (City Ordinance Sections 36-140 & 36-147).
  • Full-Time Parking Restrictions (No Parking Any Time) – No one may park on the street at any time, residents and nonresidents alike. Requires a petition with signatures from all affected households. Can be established rather quickly once petitions are verified.
  • Part-Time Parking Restrictions - No one may park on the street during the hours of the restrictions, residents and nonresidents alike. Restrictions can target hours when parking intrusion occurs (i.e. 7am-4pm, Mon – Fri). Requires a petition from all affected households. Can be established rather quickly once petitions are verified.

If you are interested in pursuing any of these options, complete the information​ request form, or call 602-262-4659.